Wednesday, 15 April 2020

My Feelings while lockdown

Hey Bloggers, 
Since it is lockdown in New Zealand we have been assigned some tasks since school has started, We have a sight with all our work we have to do. We had to watch a video of book about 'In my Heart' which is a feelings book, written by Jo Witek and illustrated by Christen Roussey. I have wrote my feelings on a doc and I will be sharing them with you. 

My Feelings
At the moment, since the world is suffering a serious flu infection called Covid-19, everyone has different feelings through out lockdown. So I will be expressing my feelings I have right now at this moment. I would love to hear your feelings!

I feel happy and positive all the time, you wonder why?
 Staying happy is amazing, you don’t want to waste your time on being sad all the time.  

I am excited, mini parties by myself, fine by me I’ll have a blast. 

I feel sad sometimes,  but not for long, I wait until I have a smile, because thats what is best for me.

I feel proud, of what I love to do , as I succeed my challenges and improve my goals

I feel creative, I could paint or make a million things, just need a lot of ideas.

I feel scared, I just want to hide away in my own personal bubble, all alone and afraid of what will happen next.

I feel calm, like the blue peaceful sea with little ripples.

I feel anxious sometimes of the many lost lives of Covid-19

Those are my feelings at the moment, and I really love being Happy and Positive! I really hope you and you family are staying safe and staying home to prevent Covid-19 spreading around. I hope to hear about your feelings!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Leah

    What great writing Leah very articulate.
    We are happy in our bubble as well as we have been keeping busy. We have built new gardens and a bush swing.
    If I think about covid-19 to much a get really sad as well. I have friends who live in the UK and USA and it makes me worried about them. We are very lucky we have a proactive government that shut out borders and put us in level 4 vry quicly.
    What challenges and goals have you set yourself?
    I have set myself the goal of finishing making my garden and making my own compost.
    Have you read any good books while you have been in your bubble?
    William and I are reading Spylark - its quite good and we are hoping to get more of the Mortal Engines series. Footrot flats have been a big feature for all of us on the yuck days.
    I hope you are all well and you enjoy the sunshine today


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