Monday 18 December 2017

Waka ama

For activity three the Bonus Round, we had to watch a video about waka ama, where they had races in a waka against different people and we had to write if we would go in a waka ama race or not. Here is what I think and here is a link to the video!

I would be in a waka ama race, because I would get stronger and have fun participating with friends. You might be able to win in a race and get a trophy. I would go in a waka ama race for fun and to do something that can make my arms stronger to get faster. I would join in  and try and try to get my waka to go faster and faster to win. I would feel joyful that I won in the waka ama race.


Image result for free waka boat

Maori Letter

For activity two in Summer Learning Journey, we had to make a Maori letter  to an imaginary friend,  about what we would feel about moving some where new on a waka with different people.

Facts About Maui

In Class we have been on Summer Learning Journey. I have made a Google drawing for the first activity, which we had to read a story of Maui and the fish and had to get real facts about him. Here it is!

Thursday 14 December 2017

Our Diorama

Isabel, Lucas and I have made a diorama with a native animal, and we chose the kiwi. It took quite along time to finish it, but we finished it in time. Here is a photo of our diorama!

Tuesday 12 December 2017

The Titanic DLO

Sophie, Jake and I have been reading infobytes, which are real facts. We have been reading the unsinkable, which is the Titanic. We got some cartoon people and scattered them around on the Titanic and put speech bubbles for the people who are speaking 
 You might need head phones! 

Friday 8 December 2017

Short "I" Sentences

In my spelling group I buddied up with Sophie and we made a Spelling DLO. We picked some words and made sentences with them we both made two sentences. Here is our DLO hope you like it.


In my Reading group Sophie and I have been reading infobytes. We have been reading Pompeii we have some photos and we will be reading you a story about Pompeii, what we would feel if we were in the disaster. Hope you enjoy it!

Product oh!

 Sophie and I have a game we want to show you  is called Product oh! Product oh! is a fun game that helps you learn your times tables. Hope you enjoy it

Divide and Times

In my maths group we were allowed to choose what equation to use. I used divide and times to help me learn more and help you learn what times and divide are. I learned that times and Divide is really helpful to use in maths to get the answer that you're looking for. 5x7=35 and 35 divided by 7 would be 5. Here is my DLO about times and divide!

Dangerous Kiwi

We made a SMA, which means Stop Motion Animation. We had to make a kiwi SMA, because we went to the Kiwi Creche. We made the kiwi get smaller and bigger and also made it do flips.I hope you like my Dangerous Kiwi SMA.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Room 5's Camp

My class went to Hanmer Springs Forest Camp. We had a lot of fun at camp doing the activities and meeting the instructors. We had three instructors, Jess, Mickey and Summer. They were really fun. Here is a slideshow about what happened at camp and how camp was.