Friday 21 February 2020

Wanted Poster

In class we have been reading this book called " Liars". This book is really cool and interesting, also makes you want to read more and more of it. Our teacher made some activities for us to finish for our reading session. I made a wanted poster for one of the activities. We had to put a lot of detail of what the person looks like. Here is my poster!

Friday 14 February 2020

Dear Future Self

Hey Bloggers!
In class we made a piece of writing where we had to write to our future self. I wrote my likes and dislikes, my friends and other things about what I would do in 5 years. I hope you like my writing. 

My 2020 Goals

Hey Bloggers!
In class a couple days ago, we were making some goals that we have to achieve in a year. I hope to accomplish these goals that I have set for myself. We have different goals like reading, writing and maths. I will be sharing them with you. 

My Goals for 2020!:)
Goal 1: My reading goals for 2020 is: that I can read harder and more challenging words and read fluently

Goal 2:My writing goal for 2020 is: that I can show the teacher my writing and have no mistakes and have my writing done by a certain time point.

Goal 3: My math goal for 2020 is: that I can accomplish my division and multiplication. 

My Personal goal: I want to get better at netball and swimming.

My Social goal:My social goal is that I want to make more friends in other schools and at the school I am at now so have friends when I go to high school.