Wednesday 18 April 2018

Reading Challenge

During our Term 1 holiday we have to make a Google drawing. Years 4-8 have this challenge in our school. We have to select a sentence that describes. We have to put the name of the book, author of the book, write the sentence and everything has to be correct and there are prizes for the most effort in the Google drawing. So here is my Post!

Friday 13 April 2018

Book Review

In class we had to write a book review on what book we have been reading. We had to put title and author, the type of story is it, what the book is about, the setting, something about the character, main problem, your opinion, my favourite part of the story. Here is my Book Review!

Safe Cycling

At school Constable Joss helped Room 5 and the year fours in room two, to learn how to do the hand signals for biking on the road. Our main focus was to put our writing in present tense not past tense. Here is my writing!

Finally, it’s time to go,  I am a bit scared, but really excited at the same time. I’ve been waiting forever though, it’s time, let’s go!  Come on guys, keep going.

  I’m dodging around the little orange cones. Oof! I just hit one of the orange cones. Racing up the straight, I feel as if I am flying through the air. As I’m going round the corner I have no hand on the wheel, see, AHH, ow that hurt I just fell off my bike, but at least I’m okay. I have to look back and that is a RED CAR  keep on going lets go on. Stop at the yellow line, let’s park up here and OOF next time I should slow down more. 

“ I will set up the ramps and ladder” Yells Constable Josh. Ramps and ladder! What I don’t think I’ll be able to! . As I come to the ramp I’m getting really anxious that I’m going to fall down the side, but OOF…..  I made it YES I actually made, know for the big ramp up I go down I go. As I whirl around the curve.  The ladder,  I pedal fast then BUMP! BUMP! BUMP! That is so FUN! As I slowed down for the next corner. AHH! Stop PHEW that  lucky I didn’t crash into you! Know I have to turn around and BLUE CAR , through the cones, round the corner over the small sea saw the over the big sea saw then over the bumpy broken ladder. This is so fun! 

DING! It’s lunch time

Global Warming Task

In class, Isabel and Sophie were my buddies for our global warming task. We had to pick three challenging words and had to write what we thought it means, the dictionary meaning and we had to make a sentence meaning that word. Here is our Screencastify!

Things about Wasps

In class, my buddy Isabel and I had to write about wasps since Miro and Solly brought a nest to school. Here is Isabel's and my Screencastify!

Glorious Autumn

In class we had to write a haiku. It needs three lines. Line one has 5 syllables, line two has 7 syllables and the last line has 5 syllables. Here is my haiku about autumn!

The Digestive System

In class we have been learning about the digestive system. My buddies were Sophie and Isabel. We made a Google drawing and put some things that happen in your body and made a screencastify. Here is our screencastify!

Thursday 12 April 2018

Swimming Reflection

In class we had to copy a slideshow and write what we do in swimming lessons, what we are learning to do, what we enjoy in swimming, and how we improve. We are reflecting about what we do in swimming lessons. Here is my slideshow of swimming!

Friday 6 April 2018

Hunting & Fishing

In class we had to write a description about hunting and fishing in present tense. If people weren't at hunting and fishing competition they had to think and look at pictures our teacher took that day. Here is my writing about hunting and fishing and also there is a photo of what we caught.

Hunting & Fishing
As I jump out of the truck, heading towards the trout and eel weighing to weigh our trout, out of the corner of my eye I spot a line of carcasses hanging up on a red and blue truck. As we weigh our dead animals, we have to weigh a hare for the combined weight of animal which could be an eel, goat hare or a possum. Hopefully we win. BEEP! BEEP! Goes the weigher “This is 3.22 kg” says the weigher. That is a big hare.  As I watch the people chuck our hares away I wonder what they do with the hares everyone catches. My friends and I watch the man put our trout on display so everyone can see them. The biggest trout is 8kgs which is massive. They have won.

The smell of the wind lingers up my nose, it smells like death. By looking around and hearing everyone it looks like everyone is trying to say that they got the biggest deer. As I walk over to the marquee to get our number and spot prize I only just notice there are about one hundred people standing and talking looking around like they have never seen such a big competition. We decide to go to the big truck with the deer,chamois and boars. I try to pass everyone to get to the big red and blue truck. As the men open the bright orange fencing they let all the people in to see the dark brown,black and light brown coloured deer and different dead animals. I feel happy and excited about hunting and fishing but quite nervous at the same time, although there is nothing to worry about. By looking at the deer it looks as if it is fresh from watching the rosy red blood trickle out of its mouth to the dirty ground. As I walk over to touch the deer antlers with a sudden touch I feel the warmth rush through me. 

Walking back to the trout I press lightly on one of them and I push my finger down the scales and they feel smooth one way and rough the other way. While I watch the trout I spot wasps and flies entering the fish into the insides laying eggs and eating the fresh flesh of the trout. I look in a chilly bin and I spot an eel twirling around inside trying to slither out.
 This is what I caught: 53 hares, 3 goats and 1 magpie.

The End