Wednesday, 22 April 2020

What is a Bugle Call?

Hey guys today we have to find out what a bugle call was. I decided to post mine. I have put all the bugle calls and the definition of what a bugle call is. Here they are!

What is a bugle call?
A bugle call is were they have a trumpet and they have different calls, they retreat men,assemble the men and to warn men. I will tell you all about the calls and what the are.

First Call:
Is a call to warn the soldiers to prepare to get into formation.

The call told the men to come out of their beds and get ready for the day.

This call was signalling the men to form ranks for the first three roll calls held through out the day.

Guard mounting:
Assignments for the guard duty followed the 9 am call of guard mount.

Drill Call:
Was a warning to turn up for drill

Signals duties or signals to ceace.

Mail Call:
Mail calls signalled personnel to assemble for the distribution of mail.

Officer Call:
This call signaled all the officers to assemble at a designated place

First sergeant call:
Warned that the first sergeant was about to form company.

Retreat Call:
The retreat call signaled the end of the official day.

This call sent them to bed with all lights out.

Thats all the calls I think. As you can see there are lots of call the soldiers had to remember and what they used back in the day.

What are the qualities a leader would have?

Hey guys, today's post is about the qualities a leader would need to be a good leader. We had to read a bit of writing, we had to find 5 good qualities a good leader would have. Then see what qualities Colonel William Malone had. These are the ones I thought a good leader would have. Then we had to write the ones our NZ Leader(Jacinda Arden) has.

What are the qualities a leader would have?
First off you have to be confident in what your doing, in the war, they definitely need to be confident. If they weren’t then they would probably panic because they have no clue what they are doing. 

They have to know what everyone is doing, and making sure soldiers are doing it right. But at least they have other ranks so that they can also help.

As Colonel William Malone said he looked after his men, he cared for them with treatment if that had gotten wounded or something else happen. So if you were a leader that quality is a good one to do. And making sure you are encourage them and keeping them calm in the process, cause like he legit got shot or something.

I would say encouragement is a biggie, if the soldiers didn’t want to fight and get hurt, I would say” All you have to do is defend our country, aim for the target, and have hope in what you’re doing,all this way for nothing, we are better than this,lets go boys!” Something like that just to encourage them from being scared.

Hope, I would say hope,because to be in Colonel Williams shoes you would want hope that at the end of the war you were still alive, by then you share memorable memories that were shared whilst shooting.

I would definitely say our leader Jacinda Ardern, has hope, that Covid-19 will be over soon, and that nobody else pass away. She has encouragement to everyone, she makes people happy, and makes them feel safe. She is definitely confident in being the Leader, she can talk to anyone calmly, and gets everything done. Jacinda Ardern also makes sure everyone is doing the right thing at the right time. So she is an amazing leader for what she is doing to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

LockDown Anzac Day

Hey guys, since we have to stay at home for Anzac day,  because of Covid-19 we had to brainstorm some ideas of what we could do to still have an Anzac day at home. Here are my ideas.

First of all I thought you could ring up your family and talk to them and have a minute of silence to remember those brave Soldiers and Mascots who thought in the war for our country. 

You could sing the national anthem by yourself or with family. Talk about war, soldiers and mascots. Maybe talk about what you would feel if you were soldiers fighting, if your were scared, proud , happy anxious any kind of feeling.

You could bake Anzac biscuits for you people in your bubble. Watch war movies and think of what it made you feel. Draw pictures of poppies, make a cross, draw soldiers.

So those are the ideas I thought about doing, while at home on Anzac Day.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Facts surprised/learning

Hey guys, another post, I know there are a lot of posts, just a lot of work down in a day. I hope everyone is okay, and safe at home. Anyway this post is about facts of the war. We had to pick three facts that surprised me and three that I wanted to learn more about. 
So here are those facts!

Surprised facts\/
More than 11,000 ANZACs died at Gallipoli and more than 23,500 were wounded.
I am surprised because I didn’t know that many people died and wounded. At least people still remember those brave, outgoing and adventurous soldiers, by holding ceremonies everywhere in the country. 
Services are held at dawn because in battle, dawn was the best time to attack the enemy. Soldiers would wake in the dark so at the first signs of light they were alert and awake.
Most people attack at day, not dawn so it’s different but the light could trigger the other citizens defending there country, so they would have to be careful. Because they might have times where people have to be on lookout for people trying to sneak and kill them.
The original Anzac biscuit was known as an Anzac wafer or tile and was part of the rations given to the ANZAC soldiers during World War I. They were included instead of bread because they had a much longer shelf life.
I never thought they were called Anzac Wafer, also would’ve thought they would keep bread because there is more of bread in a loaf than biscuits,but I guess they probably made a lot of biscuits.
Learning Facts
ANZAC Day is commemorated in the village of Harefield in Middlesex just outside of London because of a quirk in history. In 1914, millionaire Sydney expat Charles Billyard-Leake offered his manor home and 250 acres of parkland for injured Australian troops to recoup. It was imagined 50 soldiers in winter, 150 in summer would be catered for. But by the following year and post Gallipoli, it had become a fully-fledged hospital with 1000 beds just for Australian soldiers. More than 50,000 wounded Diggers passed through the home, which became known as Number 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital.
I want to learn more about, because it has a lot of detail and seems like an interesting fact. So I will have to look into this fact and search more up about it.
The men who served on the Gallipoli Peninsula created a legend, adding the word ‘ANZAC’ to our vocabulary and creating the idea of the ANZAC spirit.
I want to learn more about why they created the legend. I will also look into this one.

There is no town called “Gallipoli”. It is the name of an area. Visitors to Gallipoli usually stay at nearby towns – like Ecubeat.

I want to learn about the towns like Ecubeat and others. I wonder if they are close to Gallipoli

Anzac Ted

Hey guys, another post. This ones about a teddy bear, We read a book, called Anzac Ted. We had to write about your teddy of an adventure he /she went on. I got my teddy when I was born and it disappeared one day and never returned. 

Teddy had been by my side since day one
Tough times, sad times and happy times.
Teddy was fun to play with, but bedtime came
Goodnight Teddy.
Sometimes we would be sneaky and get up and play 
But mum found out,
Uh oh..
We got in trouble, at least we had fun

Growing up with such amazing memories
It came to that day,
Rips and shreds through his soft tanned skin, 
the thread all loose to his black button eyes

Mum said
Little ted has to go in the bin
You can’t have teddy anymore he looks disastrous, your a big girl now!
But her persuading wasn’t enough.

Teddy was mine, only mine, no one was taking him away from me, although I thought
He looked disastrous, but teddy only needed some care for
But one night Teddy went missing
I thought we were playing hide and seek turns out
He was really missing!
Tears streaming down my eyes
Day by Day
Playing in the dirt to saying goodbye 
It felt like a dream, but … 
It wasn’t
To Little teddy I miss you!

History of the making

Hey guys another post for today, about Covid-19 and WW1. These are more questions about what caused Covid-19, are there similarities between Covid-19 and WW1. So here are the questions and answers.

History of the making!

Where did it start?
China, Food market

How did it start?
Person eating food that they should be eating eg; bats,dogs,cats, alive animals
How has it spread around the world?
People seeing each other, and not keeping their distance, people not sneezing and coughing into there inner elbow.

What are countries doing to prevent the virus spreading?
Lockdown/Quarantine/Isolation, staying home, no contact with people, 2meter distance.

Are there any similarities between WW1 and this virus?

Yes everyone in the WW1 were fighting against people, and we are fighting the virus.

Anzac Questions

Hey everyone, for today's post I had to answer some questions, I hope I got them correct but If I haven't I can learn from my mistakes. Anyway these questions are about Poppies, this week we are learning about Anzac day things. Also to remember the proud soldiers who fought for our country.
Why are there poppies around on ANZAC day?

1. During which war did they start remembering fallen soldiers with poppies? 

2. In which country is ‘Flanders?’ 

3. Was the poet who wrote ‘In Flanders Fields’ a soldier? How do you know? 
Yes, he was Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, he was a poet so he must’ve written a poem before he died, he died of pneumonia.

4. In the poem it mentions a ‘quarrel’. Find a definition for the word quarrel: 
The definition for quarrel is an argument or disagreement

5. Where in the World is Belgium? Explain where you find it...
Belgium is in Europe I found it on the world map

6. What is an Armistice? 
It is a formal agreement party for everyone wants to stop fighting , held on November 11th

7. What is another name for the ‘red poppy’? 
The Flanders poppy

8. How do you think John McCrae felt when he wrote his poem? 
If I was in his shoes at the time, I would probably feel proud of serving for our country, but also scared putting my life at risk. Which is also for a good reason, I wouldn’t want to let down my country.

9. Find an image that portrays the words of the first verse the best you can.  
     Remembrance Day poppies: what do different poppy colours mean and ...
10. Why do you think the RSA want to raise money from poppies? 
Not to sure they might just want to raise money or it could go to a special place for those in need maybe

11. If you could choose another symbol to remember the ANZAC soldiers,  
     what would it be?  Explain your choice.
Either the Armistice day coin or a remembrance cross 

Monday, 20 April 2020

Covid-19 Letter

Hey Everyone, I hope you guys are being kind and positive while we are in lockdown in New Zealand. It is a very hard time while we are trying to fight back the Covid-19 spread. We have to stay home and not break rules which some people are and that's how it spreads easier. The Prime Minister- Jacinda Ardern is trying her very best to calm and to keep the people of Aoteroa safe. SO please Stay home! Save lives! Save our country! 

Thanks, please keep safe everyone! :)

Geometry and Measurement

Hey guys, today for math's in isolation we had to find the meanings of Geometry and Measurement. We had to make a poster with the meanings. Then we have to post it so I will show you guys my poster about Geometry and Measurement, I hope they are the  right meanings.

Best Baker in Room 6

Hey everyone, In class we had a baking competition, but I didn't win but it was still fun, and that's the main part. I made Pavlova and it was delicious. If you know a better recipe comment down below. 

Congrats Tahlia and Blake for winning!!! 

I made a slideshow of what happened. 

Here you go!

The last post feelings

Hey guys, today for school work we had to watch and listen to a Last post video and after we had listen to it, we had to write down some sentences about how we felt when we were listening to it. Also what we were thinking about. I have my sentences and I will share them with you. What would you feel and think if you listened to it? Happy or Sad? 

The last post made me calm and sad, it made me think about all those proud young and old soldiers  who passed whilst fighting for our country. The music of the trumpet made me feel calm because it was a lovely tune, but also a remembrance of the soldiers. I feel sad for the people who lost their loved ones in the war, but it was for a great reason, the soldiers made us proud for standing up for our amazing country. I feel annoyed because all we need is positivity and peace in the world but some people just want start a war, which is bad people get injured or even worse. 

Thanks for listening to my feelings and thoughts about the last post:)

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

My Feelings while lockdown

Hey Bloggers, 
Since it is lockdown in New Zealand we have been assigned some tasks since school has started, We have a sight with all our work we have to do. We had to watch a video of book about 'In my Heart' which is a feelings book, written by Jo Witek and illustrated by Christen Roussey. I have wrote my feelings on a doc and I will be sharing them with you. 

My Feelings
At the moment, since the world is suffering a serious flu infection called Covid-19, everyone has different feelings through out lockdown. So I will be expressing my feelings I have right now at this moment. I would love to hear your feelings!

I feel happy and positive all the time, you wonder why?
 Staying happy is amazing, you don’t want to waste your time on being sad all the time.  

I am excited, mini parties by myself, fine by me I’ll have a blast. 

I feel sad sometimes,  but not for long, I wait until I have a smile, because thats what is best for me.

I feel proud, of what I love to do , as I succeed my challenges and improve my goals

I feel creative, I could paint or make a million things, just need a lot of ideas.

I feel scared, I just want to hide away in my own personal bubble, all alone and afraid of what will happen next.

I feel calm, like the blue peaceful sea with little ripples.

I feel anxious sometimes of the many lost lives of Covid-19

Those are my feelings at the moment, and I really love being Happy and Positive! I really hope you and you family are staying safe and staying home to prevent Covid-19 spreading around. I hope to hear about your feelings!
