Monday 3 September 2018

Why we should have Headphones?

In class we were either making a persuasive writing why we should have headphones, or not have them. I have decided that we need them. I hope my writing is really persuasive and will persuade you to have headphones. Thanks!

Why do we need headphones?
Do we need headphone in class? Here are some reasons why we need headphones!

Why I think we should have headphone’s. Here is the first reason why we need headphones. We need headphone because they are just great  when you want to listen to music and then people don’t want to listen to it, YOU NEED HEADPHONES! 

Secondly, we need headphones because we need to concentrate on things like reading, writing and maths, and not other things like people talking about their motorbikes and their cool new thing they bought. 

Headphone’s help when you are working, they help you listen to words that you can not pronounce, because you can go on to the ‘Collins Dictionary’ and then you can listen to the word and no one will ever notice that you were trying to pronounce that word.

Lastly, if you need to watch a video and people don’t have headphones, the classroom will be booming with loudness and you won’t  be able to concentrate on what you are working on, like your reading plus. That’s why we need HEADPHONES!

WHY? They help so much with work, even try it, I have, they are AMAZING! Everyone needs HEADPHONES! Like literally you need them!

In conclusion
In conclusion I think that I have made it clear of why we need headphones and why they help people with hearing things on their chromebook/computer and concentrating on their work. You can also type faster and also you can do a heap of work.


  1. A very clear argument Leah. You've made an interesting point about being able to get help without everyone else knowing, like when you use the Collins Dictionary.

  2. HI Mrs Hahn thanks for the wonderful comment.


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