Tuesday 8 May 2018

Mysterious Beach Trip

In class we have been learning to make an alliteration poem, my poem is based on when these four girls go to the mysterious beach. Please leave me some comments down below about how I could improve. An alliteration poem is where you have to put as many words as possible starting with a letter, we used the letter M.

Mysterious Beach trip

Molly,Mary,Marcie and Miranda

Marched to the mysterious beach .

Mary moaned from hunger

wanting macaroni and cheese.

Molly moved to the monstrous shack

looking at the magnificent full moon

she magically turned into a malachite Malaysian tiger

moving towards the mysterious marble moon

as if compelled.

Miranda looking mysterious

Molly moved to the green majestic mushrooms

As she murmurs to a marvellous maroon mosquito.

Marcie marched to the log and moaned

Mary moved and was heading

to the macaroni.

”Hey Mary, that’s my macaroni,!”

mumbled Marcie loudly.

As Mary took the first bite

she pulled out one of the green mushrooms.

Miranda munched on mouth-watering marshmallows

Getting messy

With white magnolia marshmallows

In her marvelous maroon hair

She murmured in a melancholy voice

She pulled the moshed marshmallows

Out of her maroon hair.

The End

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